Tuesday, June 25, 2013


So i was feeding che kalthum hawa when the game started.. As i started watching, it was the second set tie break.. And he was already down for the first set.. I keep on watching with high hopes.. I know he can do it.. I subscribed this channel just because of him! Of course i feel bloomy when i see him on the board.. So, i chose to watch hin rather than continue sleeping ( i fell asleep while feeding CKH. Oxctoxyn ) 

So i just keep on watching patiently, but he lost the second set.. It was a slight lost.. It's okay.. I was pretty sure he'll make it.. He'll come back as fierce as the tiger, as fast as the cheetah..

Third set, it seems that he is going downfall.. He tried to fight back, but sadly to share, he lost it tragically.. Oh my.. So sad that i couldn't sleep thinking of him.. Oh, Rafael Nadal.. Do you know how much i adore you? I know, there must be something wrong with his knee again.. He was so great during the French Open.. Apparently, he lost the match and he lost this year's Wimbledon title.. For the first time in his career, he lost in the first round for his 35th major tournament.. Oh my.. I hope he will make a great comeback..

Okay, it's time to sleep.. Today is a holiday due to great haze attacked the country.. But tomorow the college is open.. I need my beauty sleep..

    Love the determination!

    With his wimbledon trophy..

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