Monday, June 17, 2013

Adik Manja

There is a movie from 1980's i guess.. The actor is dharma haron ar-rashid and the heroin is noor kumalasari.. They brought in a baby to their hostel..secretly of course.. So they were taking turns to look after the baby.. It is a  chaos as they sneak out every now and then to feed the baby..

The movie is entitled as adik manja.. Well, i am doing the same thing now.. Secretly sneak in my baby into the college.. Ironically, there is a strict rule that prohibits family to come into the college.. Yet, i still bring her along tonight..

 I've passed my foundation alhamdulillah.. Now, i am in the beginning of my degree program.. So we have the orientation week.. It is scheduled that i have a slot in the BISA tonight.. Since she is still exclusively breastfeeding, i have to bring her over..

But the secret is no longer secret.. The HEP officers have seen us.. Luckily, the head warden had accideny came near us and i tell her the i am exclusively breastfeed my baby.. So there's no problem at all.. Yeay! The greatest thing of all is she is behaving excellently.. She played with the trainees happily.. And she slept soundly when the jamaah were reciting tahlil.. A+ for you bubs!

Note: reporting live from the crime scene.. Wink wink


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